Live Musical Meditation

Weekdays friendly to various worldwide time zones

It is a Live Musical Meditation, and could also be called Sound Healing or Sonic Attunement.
It is played on the piano, specifically on my 1912 Vintage Steinway Grand Piano which is imbued with special frequencies that help us.
Sometimes I will play my silver flute depending on what I am called to play for you.
Each Meditation is unique to those moments in time and with the group who participate.  Given we are all connected, the affect of each sound healing will ripple out to those around you.
Pamela plays acoustic piano and flute LIVE.  She attunes to the group and to the universal energies at that time. She plays to gradually harmonize the frequency.
From whatever feeling place you are in when you arrive, you may become more harmonised and peaceful.
I invite you to join us.

via Zoom

Weekdays at various times to suit worldwide time zones.
When you click through to book, it will automatically tell you what time it is in your time zone.



This is for you if…
* you are an adult 25yrs and over. A variety of ages is healthy. We can learn from each other. Music and wellbeing are our focus.
* you play an acoustic instrument eg flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, recorder, violin, viola, cello, double bass, acoustic guitar
* you would love to make musician friends
* you are happy to travel to Seaforth on lower Northern Beaches most Friday nights
* you aren’t too precious about your playing at the same time as aiming to be better.
* you can laugh at your mistakes or would love to see how
* you love music and would love to explore new repertoire as well as the pieces you know and love
* you either love to improvise or you would love to be able to improvise and would be welcome to Pamela guiding you in this
* you fulfil the playing requirements outlined below

It is like a book club where you read a new book each month. Variety. Exploration. Adventure

We play a mix of pieces we are learning to play together – Classical. Folk. Soft Rock. Jazz. Jazz fusion.
We improvise every week.
I’m keen to keep the variety in there at the same time as playing something that we love.
We play scales to tune and warm up as well as to lead into improvising around a key signature.
Each week we play different key signatures – accountability for your home practise.
We play with live accompaniment to a beautiful harmony on grand piano or a funky rhythm eg similar to Body Jazz by Gabriele Roth & The Mirrors.
Musical ability requirements:
* You can play in tune
* You have a qualified music teacher for your instrument who you see regularly
* You can read music at a basic level as in recognise and be able to play semibreves, minims, crotchets, quavers
* You can play at least three scales in tune over the range of at least one octave of notes
* If you are a string player, you can play fluently on open strings in time
* If you are an acoustic guitarist, you are able to play a tune or a melodic line as well as play chord I  IV  V and use a capo
* Either you can already improvise, or you would love to be able to improvise and are happy to be shown how
The group is lead by me – Pamela Jordan – I am a long time experienced musical professional.
I am looking for people who can collaborate in a harmonious way.

My attitude is to aim for our best playing, and at the same time not to be too precious about it.
We laugh at our mistakes and keep going. We will improve with time and attention.
We are playing for ourselves, for our own enjoyment and wellbeing,
as distinctly different from being in practise mode or performing mode.

I would love to make music with new friends, at the same time as unwinding on Friday nights.
We have a worldwide epidemic of loneliness.
This is a way I can help musicians to be motivated to play at home, maintain or build their skill, have fun and something to look forward to, and enjoy utilising the musical skill they have.

7.00pm Friday nights inSTUDIO only
Book and pay ahead is essential.
If you would love to join us, and you’ve run out of time to book in, call me,
arrive early, and you can pay with eftpos here.

At Purple Tempo inSTUDIO
13 Harvey Street West, Seaforth, near Manly on Northern Beaches
Plenty of street parking adjacent in Dalwood Avenue
Look for the Moon and Starlights as you walk along the driveway.


Are you struggling in a corporate job, feeling empty & craving creative expression? I can help you.